August 7th, 2010 · Comments Off on SHOW ALERT! 08/14/10: Antique Scream/The Venomous Pinks/Adam Lee Cogswell · Events

(From write-up in The Alibi from Albuquerque, MN)
Antique Scream is a bluesy, ’70s inspired psychedelic rock outfit. Or, as lead singer and guitarist Chris Rutledge puts it, “We’re sweaty, balls-..out rock ‘n’ roll, man.”
The band has four records—two EPs, a full-..length and a live album—but Rutledge admits people seem to like Antique Scream better live. “That kind of sucks, but it’s a compliment,” Rutledge says. “It’s better than saying, You guys totally suck live, but your recordings are great. There’s more personality live and it’s a lot more fun.
Tags: Adam Lee Cogswell·Antique Scream·The Venomous Pinks

The Action Design is a rock band from California (US) which was formed after the breakup of the former punk band Tsunami Bomb. Emily Whitehurst and Matt McKenzie came together to produce a new band, self-described as “a refreshing mix of the band’s punk rock roots infused with hard hitting dance rhythms and catchy bass lines wrought with think memorable vocal hooks”.
Tags: Gomi·The Action Design·The Venomous Pinks