May 17th, 2013 · Comments Off on 05/18/13: The Jerk Officers/The Gamma Function/Cockswain/Black Canyon Bastards · Events

The bands will donate 100% of the door from this show to Kylah’s medical fund!
One of our own punk rock mamas is battling insurmountable medical bills as she is helping her 10 yr old sweet daughter, Kylah, battle a brain tumor. Please come out to this show and make your $5 cover mean someting more than just a good time with some great bands! If you cannot attend the show, please go online and donate.
9pm: Black Canyon Bastards
10pm: Cockswain
11pm: The Gamma Function
12am: The Jerk Officers
$5, 21+
Tags: Black Canyon Bastards·Cockswain·The Gamma Function·The Jerk Officers
August 21st, 2012 · Comments Off on Punk Madness Returns To The Alley · Events
Reasons you should be at this show:
It is Tiff’s birthday show.
It is The Mongoloids’ last show in their current incarnation and under this name.
The Jerk Officers are playing naked.
Okay, that’s not true. Semi-naked.
Family Secret escaped from the planet of the apes almost unscathed. The apes did experiment on Jay though, but the hybrid DNA didn’t take completely over. Mike…well…I heard he just has a little tumor now.
Bomb Threat promises not to lose any members in the parking lot.
Cut Throat Freak Show will perform live from Scotland for this show. We may have to huddle around laptops, but hey…we are all friends. And most of you wear deodorant.
Oh, and there will be cake!

Tags: Bomb Threat·Cut Throat Freak Show·Family Secret·The Jerk Officers·The Mongoloids
March 24th, 2011 · Comments Off on New Show Alert! 04/08/11: Karma Kills presents MUT!NY from Eagle Rock, CA · Events

MUT!NY levels Mesa on their way to Way Out West Fest in Tucson! Lending a hand (and likely a handjob) are local rude, crude, and politically incorrect Jerk Officers. Robot Tank will blow you away, The Jitters will shake you up so hard you’ll WISH you were in Japan instead, and Tin Can will get you ready for it all (no, they won’t be handing out blue pills)
Tags: mut!ny·Robot Tank·The Jerk Officers·The Jitters·Tin Can
July 4th, 2010 · Comments Off on NEW SHOW ALERT: 07/30/10:The Tattle Tales(New York)/The Jerk Officers/The Cosmeticators/TA-80 · Events

It’s been way too long since the last Tattle Tales record, but all the hallmarks of their signature power-pop sound are here – zippy synth riffs, harmony background vocals, scintillating melodies. Feeling bad hasn’t felt this good since the Archies.
Tags: TA-80·The Cosmeticators·The Jerk Officers·The Tattle Tales