April 23rd, 2012 · Comments Off on Ross Rocks! · Events
Our longtime owner, leader, and friend fell to a horrible stroke a month ago. With no insurance and stack of bills due to his long recovery, the Phoenix music scene has pulled together in raising money for him. If you have played at Hollywood Alley or are/were a customer, then you likely know Ross. And if you know him, then you undoubtedly love him. If you care to help, here is some ways you can.
We have some benefit shows coming up. The first one is on April 28th with 19 bands (coordinated by Tom Reardon with the help of Robert “Fun Bobby” Birmingham) coming together for one cause. The lineup is diverse; punk, stoner rock, folk, indie rock, etc.. There will be a $10 cover plus a silent auction and other ways for people to give more. See the flyer below for more details.

RSVP for the ROSS ROCKS show here
There will also be a hip-hop benefit coordinated by Brian Trujillo on May 5th. Details below.

If you can’t make one of these shows, a website has been set up to take donations. Please go to ROSSROX.com
Hollywood Alley would like to thank Charles Levy, The Love Me Nots and all the bands that played Friday April 20th at The Crescent Ball Room. A portion of the door proceeds went to help Ross out as well.
We would also like to thank Fred Green, Fat Gray Cat, and The Brown Tones – all who on last minute notice decided to donate all the proceeds from their already booked event at the Alley March 23rd, days after Ross was admitted to the hospital.
We are so fortunate to have so many individuals and entities within the local music community here in Arizona come together and lend their time and resources in helping a primary member of our family. Thank you!
Tags: Asses of Evil·Blanche Davidian·Chapelle Des Mortes·Fat Gray Cat·Fun Bobby·Grave Danger·Greenhaven·Hillbilly Devilspeak·Love Me Nots·Page The Village Idiot·Ross Rocks·Scorpion Vs. Tarantula·The Father Figures·The Insects
March 25th, 2011 · Comments Off on Re-Post of Saturday’s Dames show with updated flier. · Events

The Dames – come join us before Kyle moves to NYC. Also playing are Casket Life, The Father Figures, and Fishkiller!!
Tags: Casket Life·Fishkiller·The Dames·The Father Figures
January 27th, 2011 · Comments Off on A Very Special Event: The Dames Bid Farewell To Kyle · Events
The Dames – come join us before Kyle moves to NYC. Also playing are Casket Life, The Father Figures, Wirefeeder and the Smoky Mountain Skullbusters!!

Tags: Casket Life·Smoky Mountain Skullbusters·The Dames·The Father Figures·Wirefeeder
November 11th, 2010 · Comments Off on ROCK THIS WEEKEND · Events

ZiROH is a 3-piece instrumental band which features JASON PRiCHARD (Daughters of Fission, Fred Green, Vomitus, Grum, ClownKnife) pummeling his drums, JUSTiN BEEMER (Ars Magna, Heroes for Ghosts, Arc of the Aurora) weaving between rhythm and leads on guitar, and TONY RiCHEY (Giantkiller, Hellrancho, OrthoStatic, Nihil, Grum) laying down mega-distorted riffs on bass..

Old Man Army Skateboards presents a skaterock show for the OMA BBQ Weekend with The Father Figures, Flathead, Bad Reputation (Joan Jett tribute band) and the Ingrates. Skater’s from all over the US will converge for some epic skating and skaterock this weekend. Check the Old Man Army Forums for more details.
Tags: Bad Reputation·Enirva·Flathead·Hogjaw·Ingrates·Lovemound·Old Man Army·The Father Figures·Ziroh
September 14th, 2010 · Comments Off on SPECIAL REUNION SHOW! 10/02/10: DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY · Events

Death Takes A Holiday was a groundbreaking Tempe band from the 90s that has returned to give us one more sonic perfromance. Inspired by 70s punk, 80s post-punk, and the cooler bands that KUKQ played before nu-metal and Dave Matthews came along and ruined alternative music.
Tags: Death Takes A Holiday·The Father Figures·The Vellum·Ultramaroon
March 13th, 2010 · Comments Off on New Show Alert! 04/10/10: William Leadpistol/The Father Figures/Vinyl.45/The Cosmeticators · Events

Father Figures are three veterans of the Phoenix (National and even Interplanetary) music scene have come together to make their version of post-punk
William LeadPistol sound like a live practice with a hint of progress.
Vinyl.45 sound like The bastard stepchildren of Keith Richards and David Bowie…
The Cosmeticators are Chela, Dee, and Amy. Their myspace page turns your cursor into lipstick.
Tags: The Cosmeticators·The Father Figures·Vinyl.45·William Leadpistol