August 7th, 2010 · Comments Off on SHOW ALERT! 08/14/10: Antique Scream/The Venomous Pinks/Adam Lee Cogswell · Events

(From write-up in The Alibi from Albuquerque, MN)
Antique Scream is a bluesy, ’70s inspired psychedelic rock outfit. Or, as lead singer and guitarist Chris Rutledge puts it, “We’re sweaty, balls-..out rock ‘n’ roll, man.”
The band has four records—two EPs, a full-..length and a live album—but Rutledge admits people seem to like Antique Scream better live. “That kind of sucks, but it’s a compliment,” Rutledge says. “It’s better than saying, You guys totally suck live, but your recordings are great. There’s more personality live and it’s a lot more fun.
Tags: Adam Lee Cogswell·Antique Scream·The Venomous Pinks
February 15th, 2010 · Comments Off on NEW SHOW ALERT – 03/13/10: TRUCK STOP ROCK FEST · Events

Antique Scream returns for Truck Stop Rock Fest at Hollywood Alley. They will be joined by Greenhaven, Hogjaw, Adam Lee Cogswell. Also, PBR is supplying us with limited edition 32 oz. Trucker Travel Cups. They come filled with Pabst for $5 and each refill is only $3.
Tags: Adam Lee Cogswell·Antique Scream·Greenhaven·Hogjaw